Friends Of East Brent School (FOEBS)
The Friends of East Brent School (FOEBS) exists to create a greater understanding of the work of the school, forge links between school and home, and raise vital funds to support and enhance the educational provision within the school. FOEBS has recently bought gym equipment for the hall, construction toys for the classrooms, laptops and part of our new outdoor classroom shelter and they have organised and paid for a trip to the theatre. FOEBS also subsidises certain visits. The additional facilities provided by FOEBS have a direct impact on your child’s education, enabling us to offer a greater range of opportunities and high quality learning experiences.
All parents are automatically members of FOEBS, and it is hoped that all parents will actively support the association in whatever way possible. Everyone is welcome at the meetings. A wide variety of events are organised throughout the year and every effort is made to appeal to all tastes and ages. If you are interested in being involved in this important aspect of school life either leave your name with your child’s teacher or with the school office, and a member of the committee will contact you.